• Personal Information We Collect

    When you visit the Site, we automatically collect certain information about your device, including information about your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some of the cookies that are installed on your device. Additionally, as you browse the Site, we collect information about the individua...
  • How Do We Use Your Personal Information?

    We use the Order Information that we collect generally to fulfill any orders placed through the Site (including processing your payment information, arranging for shipping, and providing you with invoices and/or order confirmations). Additionally, we use this Order Information to: Communicate wi...
  • Sharing Your Personal Information

    We share your Personal Information with third parties to help us use your Personal Information, as described above. For example, we use Shopify to power our online store--you can read more about how Shopify uses your Personal Information here: We also use Go...
  • Behavioural Advertising

    As described above, we use your Personal Information to provide you with targeted advertisements or marketing communications we believe may be of interest to you. For more information about how targeted advertising works, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s (“NAI”) educational page...
  • Do Not Track

    Please note that we do not alter our Site’s data collection and use practices when we see a Do Not Track signal from your browser.
  • Your Rights

    If you are a European resident, you have the right to access personal information we hold about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us through the contact information below. Additionally, if you...
  • Data Retention

    When you place an order through the Site, we will maintain your Order Information for our records unless and until you ask us to delete this information.
  • Klarna

    In order to be able to offer you Klarna’s payment options, we will pass to Klarna certain aspects of your personal information, such as contact and order details, in order for Klarna to assess whether you qualify for their payment options and to tailor the payment options for you. You can find m...
  • Rakuten

    The below companies may collect personal information when you interact with our digital property, including IP addresses, digital identifiers, information about your web browsing and app usage and how you interact with our properties and ads for a variety of purposes, such as personalization of o...
  • Mention Me

    We may process your personal information for our legitimate business interests. ‘Legitimate Interests’ means the interests of our company in conducting and managing our business to enable us to give you the best service/products and the best and most secure experience. It can and does also apply...
  • Opt-Out

    To learn more and to opt out of first and third party cookies -
  • Changes

    We may update this privacy policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.
  • Contact Us

    For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail at or by mail using the details provided below: Hartstock, Broomfield Hill, Great Missenden, BKM, HP16 9HT, United Kingdom