• Can I make cancel or make changes to my order once it is placed?

    As long as your order has not yet been dispatched, we can amend your details, the items you have purchased or cancel your order - please contact us as soon as possible. Orders cannot be cancelled if they are already on their way to you. If we have already sent your order out you will need to sen...
  • Discounts, Codes and Vouchers

    From time to time, we may run sale events and publish promotional discount codes. The discount codes can be used across our full range of products, but are not applicable to items already in sale or existing promotions. Discount codes also do not apply to delivery charges.
  • How can I find out when an item is back in stock?

    You can sign up for a back in stock email notification by clicking 'notify me when back in stock' from the product web page.
  • How can I keep up to date with all EJS news?

    Subscribe to our newsletter in the footer to hear about new collections first. Make sure you follow us on Social Media @emmajshipley for our latest updates, behind the scenes sneak peeks and competitions.
  • Pay Later with Klarna

    We’re excited to announce we have partnered with Klarna to bring you new ways to pay at checkout. Buy the treasures you love today then pay for your order in smaller instalments over time or 30 days later with Klarna. 1. What is Klarna? Klarna is a payment system that allows you to purchase th...